GeeksHive is a global community of technical specialists in computer science. It has headquarters in Miami, Mexico, Spain, and several countries of South America (Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile…). Its members share a group of values which may be summarized into three characteristic attitudes:
1. Passion for knowledge and use of new technologies (among which is Internet as the main source of interest and the most transcendental, dynamic and innovative way of human exchange in history)
2. Service vocation for any and all aspect related to their specialty.
3. An inclination toward personal and professional improvement.
GeeksHive´s community offers its members and users the chance to expand their technological vocation, which many times has to be relegated due to economic or labor problems that force you to carry out undesired activities. The most important thing for GeeksHive is to carry one´s specialty ahead, promoting learning, commitment as well as an effective time management.
Thanks to an innovative e-commerce management system, IT specialists can make their career/ passion a more profitable and satisfying occupation.
A real network of networks
GeeksHive´s members are continually in contact with thousands of consumers, specialists and colleges from all around the world. In this human network the most important thing is the exchange of experiences, learnings, goals and achievements and this will always result in professional, personal but mainly economic growth.
The whole and its parts
GeeksHive is a model that incorporates several perspectives about Information Technology, integrating under the same interest a group of problems, solutions and associated techniques. That model is based on the development and use of GIT, software named by its developers for its Spanish initials (Technology Information Management). But it also implies a way of social and community organization made up by people who share a professional activity and also transmit the community values with which they are identified and coexist.
For the above reasons the GeeksHive Model must be divided into 2 central aspects:
1. A technological device
The model makes it available for its community an online management system inspired by purchase behavior surveys of end consumers of this category who depend mainly on the technical service delivered by the Geeks as the main source of differentiation with the same power of price, stock, variety, publicity and funding than large Retail chains. The members of the GeeksHive community do not have to worry about sales, argue about prices, speculate on percentages or waste priceless time on things they dislike or that are not their specialty. While solving their clients technical problems, GeeksHive´s members may recommend them to use this intelligent, flexible and autonomous purchase method.
Our IT masters focus their interest and energy to give you a suitable and customized technical support service. Thus, you can invest your time on matters of your expertise, generate value, open new business units and work directly with the stock of the wholesaler in immediate relation with the brands.
2. A model of participation and community belonging
GeeksHive is a community of technical specialists that are self-determined and gathered around a business vision, a professional activity, a scale of values and a concept of Internet Identified with current Web 2.0. trends.
LGeeksHive members are called Geeks and geocentrically considered as Juniors, Seniors, Masters, Kings y Gurus. They share actively a way of thinking the IT market and a way of being and perceiving technology, assimilating qualifications, proposing discussions about new technological solutions and taking part in activities within the community. Those instances allow the exchange of knowledge/ experiences and the arrangement of a place of alliances and personal, professional as well as corporate belonging.
Geeks are evaluated, accepted and certified by their community through a body of monitoring and control named Program Partnership which sets general parameters of inclusion/ participation/ permanence and the organizational, technical and philosophical operation of the model.

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