Training and information about your specialty
Entre Ríos, April 19th, 2010
Borras and Co's auditorium was totally overcrowded after the numerous attendance to the event performed in the city of Paraná. |
Entre Ríos, August 28th, 2009
The past August 28th, on the occasion of World Software Freedom Day, GeeksHive took part in a training event for Certified Geeks. It was one of the thousand events organized all around the world. |
Buenos Aires. August 25th, 2009
IBM – Second part of the TRAINING GEEKS 2009
An unprecedented success.
With over 200 Geeks crowding IBM Argentina auditorium, it was carried out the second stage of TRAINING GEEKS 2009.
“We have never seen this auditorium so crowded”, stated Diego Lena of IBM Argentina, one of the organizers of the event. |
Buenos Aires. March 29th, 2009
It was launched the Training that the Community programs for 2009. With the Hotel Cristal Palace from Buenos Aires city as the first seat, the encounter had the presence of IBM, Linksys and Gigabyte as expositor trademarks, and of some of the most important firms of the IT market.
160 Geeks and interested people gathered for the invitation, coming from different cities of the country, willing to take advantage of a great learning occasion, which undoubtedly it was. |
Buenos Aires. March 2009
On March 28th, 2009 GeeksHive International began its Training Geeks 2009, the first of a series of trainings of high level that will be carried out in different cities of Argentina during the course of the year.
In this opportunity, the conference will have IBM, Linksys and Gigabyte as expositors trademarks, incorporating others of similar trajectory during the months of the road show.
The appointment will be in the Hotel Cristal Palace and there will participate in addition to the persons in charge of the hives, executives of OCA and of the Argentinean Technological Institute (ITA by its Spanish initials).
An exclusive and free training for Certified Geeks or under process of certification. |
Córdoba. January, 2009
GeeksHive community releases a new training course. This time the trademark in charge of the development of Geeks certified to the model will be Kuzumi.
The course comprises a first module devoted to: Wired, Multimedia, Energy: Switch, Router, Modem, ADSL, UPS and TV tuners.
AThe course comprises a first module devoted to: Wired, Multimedia, Energy: Switch, Router, Modem, ADSL, UPS and TV tuners. After that, they may be able to take the test.
Those geeks that did not complete the admission process may only be able to attain the course after finishing their certification to the community. |
Córdoba. December, 2008
TP-Link. Wireless products
The community introduced is first training course. It is the TP-Link´s Wireless Products Course. TP-Link is one of our sponsor trademarks.
Geeks that pass the course will receive an official certificate
In order to take the test, Geeks will have to enter the GEEKSHIVE link and then to “Tests and Polls” in the Extranet and download the study material. Afterwards, they will have to take the test.
Those geeks that did not complete the admission process may only be able to attain the course after finishing their certification to the community. |
Córdoba, November, 2008
Efficiency in the use of Extranet
In November, 1st GeeksHive’s technological representatives trained in Córdoba the first potential Geeks of the area. They were selected by PP during the launch of the Model in that Argentinean province. This training intends to produce an approach to the extranet management system. This stage will be useful to reinforce evaluations of Junior Geek certifications that applicants to the Model will have to take. |
Paraná. October, 2008
Efficiency in the use of Extranet
Extranet is an essential element to the GeeksHive community. For that reason, there are several technical trainings planned for October and December oriented to an effective use, specially the connection that may be established between such use and the Handicap scores Geeks users obtain. |
Córdoba, November, 2008
The importance of deontological regulation
DThe Partnership Program will assign trainings intended for the first certified Geeks in Córdoba and oriented to the discussion and adoption of prescriptive principles that rule (or should rule) every certified IT specialist activity to the community.
More information soon |