Buenos Aires, August 25, 2009

The second stage of the TRAINING GEEKS 2009 took place in IBM Argentina seat in Capital Federal, which saw the capacity of the auditorium for 130 people largely overfilled. The intention of the organization was not to let any assistants out, since a very important number of Geeks had traveled from different parts of the country to be present, that is why some of them had to sit on the corridors.
In addition to Buenos Aires residents, members from Entre Ríos attended the invitation ( Paraná, Villaguay, Crespo, La Paz, Diamante, Nogoyá, Seguí ); Santa Fe ( Capital, Rosario, Santo Tomé, Esperanza, Calchaquí, Vera, Rafaela, Reconquista and Recreo ); Chako (Resistencia, Barranqueras ), Corrientes ( Capital, Goya ); Córdoba ( Capital, Río Cuarto, San Francisco ); Neuquén ( Capital, General Roca, Plaza Huincul, Plottier, Cutral Có and Centenario ); Río Negro ( Allen, Cipoletti, Villa Regina ); La Pampa ( Santa Rosa, 25 de Mayo).
Synthesis of the TRAINING GEEKS

A multitude of specialists among certified Geeks and technicians with expectations of becoming it, gathered in the official facilities of IBM in Buenos Aires, Argentina, willing to participate in what would be the most important event on information technology of the year.
That’s how all began. Right after the breakfast of reception, María Inés Cura, Manager of Mid Market of IBM, offered all the assistants a friendly reception, emphasizing her satisfaction for the amount of assistants. A few minutes before 10, the training started with the Commercial Presentation of System X, accomplished by Sebastián Galeazza. This talk, followed attentively by the Geeks, was complemented with the exposition of Carlos Etchart, who talked about the technical details of System X.

Afterwards, it came the turn of the Commercial Presentation of Storage Low End, in charge of Oscar Rodríguez Silvosa. When it was finished, the Vice director of the Argentinean Technological Institute, Hernán Sánchez, offered a summary of the talks of the conference, emphasizing the most relevant points and interacting with the auditorium.

Completing the proposal of the event, after midday, GeeksHive presented the Corporate Social Responsibility Program Good Parents on the Internet: Sebastián Monzón, Development Director of the Community, exposed the bases of this initiative, provoking great enthusiasm among the Geeks that discovered in it an interesting opportunity of professional insertion and work. Finally, Sebastian Borrás, one of the founders of GeeksHive, offered a colloquium to answer all the questions that aroused as demonstration of already awake interest in every assistant to the launch of the program.

The closure of the event was around 2 p.m., right after the raffle of Sentey, Panda, Novatech and Delta products, among other trademarks that supported the initiative.
The organization of the event was coordinated by Melina Arbás and Diego Lena, from IBM.
Moving forward with a purpose

GeeksHive International keeps on consolidating itself and fulfills one of the most important purposes declared in its initial plan. The possibility of counting on Companies of the size of IBM Argentina, adding branding, trainings and professional development, it allows to put in real functioning, with great perspectives and long-range objectives, the principles of human-technological specialization issued and promoted by the Community from its beginnings.
In the same way, the launch of Good Parents on the Internet is an event of enormous magnitude for the Community and its members, since it represents, apart from being an excellent job opportunity for the youngest Geeks, a transcendent contribution of CSR, which demonstrates the commitment that GeeksHive assumes with the technological problems that impact in life and the development of the present-day society.

Watch video of the Event