Buenos Aires, February 13th, 2009
Bringing exclusive trainings and offering its entire range of products, IBM, the multinational company, is joining GEEKSHIVE, the community of computer specialists.

Photo:Esteban Tognini. Manager of IBM Argentina Channels.
IBM, one of biggest companies of IT solutions in Argentina and the world, employs over than 8000 professionals in our country which are distributed in 8 buildings located in Capital Federal and big Buenos Aires. It offers hardware and software solutions as well as business and technology consulting services for companies of all sizes.
As a consequence of its strategy of expansion, the company has signed an agreement with GeeksHive to become a strategic partner and contribute to the expansion of the community providing training about System x platforms, Power Systems, Storage and ISS Safety solutions.
“From the beginning, IBM has proved a strong commitment to our country. Last year, it was the company´s 85th anniversary of continuous operation in Argentina and, certainly, we will remain here. We have developed several training activities because we believe that, together with more and Better professionals, is how we are going to promote the market”, stated Esteban Tognini, IBM Argentina Channel Manager.
The company, that over the last years has developed a strong focus on the small and middle sized companies sector, organized in 2008 -and intends do it again in 2009- different meetings in the main marketplaces of the country to introduce its products portfolio for this market.
“The small and middle sized companies sector is really attractive to IBM, that´s why we try to reach those clients with an added value. Commodities´ sales do not solve the needs of companies.
Here, in IBM, we believe in the generation of value and consulting sale that´s why we are offering our Express solutions”, added Tognini.
The agreement signed between IBM Argentina and GeeksHive International intends to raise the knowledge of every specialist of this community which rests upon quality and the generation of added value. From March, training courses about IBM platforms will be available in Capital Federal and the cities of the interior of Argentina.
Investments in the development of new technologies:
Innovating is the main generator of opportunities and solutions. IBM invests U$S 6 billions a year in research and development aiming to add value to its solutions. “The channels structure capitalizes this investment and IBM´s commitment to generate new solutions that fulfill the needs of companies of all sizes” stated Tognini.
In addition to this, Big Blue announced recently the launch of its business vision “Smart Planet”, which aims for the implementation and application of the technology that generates optimizations in business procedures, resulting in cost reductions. Its first manifestation was reflected in the Dynamic Infrastructure campaign which takes to the market the solutions of the company related to Virtualization, Cloud Computing and administrative services, among others.
