In addition to the rewards received owing to the vote of the channel, there were other three special moments: rewards awarded by ITSitio as recognition of a background or due to originals proposals brought to the market. Thus, ARM by SIASA, Borrás wholesaler, SureStore, and Polytech nucleated in GeeksHive, the original model, and Motorola -which proposed the bigger marketing challenge-, had their highlighted moments and received a huge applause.

For several editions, the ITSitio Awards had enjoyed a place for the special recognitions given according to an internal evaluation of the events of that year as regards to Innovation, background and/ or challenges to highlight.
This year, it was decided to reward innovation in a new business model for the channel, the recognition of a background, and, finally, to install a new category: the Silver, Gold and Platino Best ITSitio Challenges, where every year there are awarded the three projects demanding the biggest challenges.
It arrives Cloud Distribution: a new business model with the channel
Based in the way bees group and collaborate, GeeksHive was born aiming to become an international net, seeking to bring a disruptive jump regarding IT services and products offered. Without sparing efforts, in pursuit of their convictions and to be consistent, they based the whole model developing their own platform of applications Web 2.0 that enable the collaboration of its members -mainly IT professionals- so that they can offer their customers best services and technology solutions.
By means of the active collaboration of its members, GeeksHive seeks to offer an excellent and super efficient response to the problems of the computer services business model. Each company individually does not have the same power that it can be offered by GeeksHive's net. It is a motorized win to win synergy for everything its members have in common: passion for technology. Besides, members go on ascending categories according to their expertise and participation.
Thus, they promote a strengthened community seeking a regional development. When the service given includes product sales, GeeksHive has all their hives ready to supply them.
“Nowadays that there is a lot spoken about Cloud Computing, with GeeksHive it is coming the Cloud Distribution. Basically, due to the software developed by the resellers, they always had stock to offer their customers. Now, it is unknown where the stock is. It could be in any one of the wholesaler’s facilities, in Miami, embarked… anyway it does not matter, it is in the cloud and the reseller is supplied with it”, remarks Carlos Manzanedo, director of ITSitio.
"Then -explains Manzanedo- by using the software developed, according to the hive you enter the web, the stock that you will see is local. That is to say, for example, you enter Polytech Hive, then, its stock is seen as local but also it can be seen the stock of the other hives. That way, you can see the stock of Borrás, SurStore, of any hive of Miami, or of a ship in journey from Orient ...”
Thus, when an affiliate wants to offer a product, he knows whether he has it for immediate delivery or, according to in which deposit it is, he can know the delay to receive it, because Borrás is in Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, and SurStore in Río Negro and Neuquén, a hive in Miami or navigating in the sea ".
As this is regional, the channel becomes naturally affiliated to the closer hive, but with the certainty that when he looks, he sees the whole available stock of every hive.
And the most valuable point of this community is that you can focus on what you can do better and more efficiently, as rendering your professional services and GeeksHive with its platform takes care of the rest: administration of stock, web, marketing campaigns, CRM, ERP, sales, deliveries and even money collection. And where do you make it? -From a cloud ...”
For all the above-mentioned, the key of GeeksHive is in the force of its net. Then, the recognition for innovation in a new business model for the channel was for GeeksHive and it was received by its three founding hives: Borrás, Polytech and SurStore.

Source: http://www.itsitio.com
