
Steady yourself in your fellowmen
The importance of belonging
By: Karina Barabino
GeeksHive International Institutional Relations Director
Geekshive is not only a technological model of corporate or commercial management, it is also a community of individuals joined by a sintony of purposes: exploring the IT world, to perfect themselves day by day (professionally and personally) and to share their lives with people who think and feel the same way.
The Geeks is a tireless defender of values proclaimed by the community, he keeps a disposed attitude towards it and collaborates actively with all the activities planned within his group.
Relatives and friends are very important in a Geek´s life; to protect, educate and spend time with them brings him safety, containment, spiritual uplifting and greater willingness to comply his work duties.
Geekshive is a technical instrument and a human group of interchanges, a community of sense and a place of social containment. A Geek will always seek to interact with other Geeks, from which he will expect the same solidarity, tolerance and respect they are capable of offering. (Whenever a Geek progresses, his community will progress too).
Geekshive is a community based in tolerance and the dignification of differences. In GeeksHive, every Geek is a citizen of rights, obligations and guarantees. Because of that, being organized as a small civil society, they also have a system of hierarchies and responsibilities. The Geek understands that both the sense of authority as democracy are fundamental pieces for the growth and consolidation of any group of people uniter around a purpose.
In the same way, the Geek may aspire to grow up within the scale of responsibilities proposed to the model: conquering places thanks to his dedication and active commitment.
April, 2008
GeeksHive International Community Conferences