
Don´t repeat yourself
Exploitation of time as a supreme value
By: Sebastián Borrás
Model Director and Founding Member of GeeksHive International
The people identified with GeeksHive model believe that time is the most precious value they have.
Not repeating themselves, not wasting time in matters of incompetence, and devoting themselves entirely to their specialty...are some of the principles shared and promulgated by GeeksHive community. Its creators have developed every aspect of the model thinking about effective use of time.
Being a matter of administrative management of companies, both referred to versions for Hives as well as Geeks, the model develops with accuracy and effectiveness everything that without will demand more attention and dedication than advisable.
When a business grows up, no matter the category in which you are involved, it incorporates together with the development administrative management problems that incipiently overflow the faculties of the organization structures. Because of that, you are forced to enlarge them recluting qualified personnel and buying space and instrumental equipment.
These subjects demand the managers to focus on the processes and to move away from the technical and services activities for which the company was created (Core Business).
ESoon, the business man is involved in thousands of administrative and legal problems. He spends more time with his lawyers and accountants than with his family and friends, distant from all the tasks that once inspired him and gave him a reason to live passionately.
The GeeksHive model definitively erradicates vicious and typical modalities in companies’ management, its intelligent operation works decisively without human-subjective aspects. With conceptual foundation on Web 2 (current trend of digital communications) its solutions anticipate the future and augur a prolific and fast administrative treatment of organizations, strictly, of those oriented to commercialization of IT technology, allowing you to take advantage of time and return to the path set by companies in their origins.
For a Geek time is par of its tangible capital and because of that he choses to belong, identify and use GeeksHive.
April, 2008
GeeksHive International Community Conferences